Local Government Elections 2024: Candidate Surveys

With local government elections taking place across New South Wales on Saturday September 14, Climate Action Burwood-Canada Bay is surveying candidates in each of our three LGAs (Burwood, Canada Bay and Strathfield) on local issues relating to climate change, emissions reduction and environmental protection.

All mayoral candidates for direct election in Burwood and Canada Bay have been sent survey forms, as have every group ticket in each of the three council elections.

Parties and candidates have been asked to complete surveys by Tuesday night September 10. Responses received will appear on this page from Wednesday September 11. We thank all who have responded, and will continue to publish any further replies received up to election day September 14.

Climate Action Burwood-Canada Bay does not endorse parties or candidates in elections. Nor does it campaign for or against specific parties or candidates.

Questions and responses:

Burwood (click to expand)

Response received from John Faker on behalf of Burwood Community Labor, along with additional statement. Both documents attached.
No responses received to date from the Liberal Party or Unity Party.
* John Faker (Labor) Survey Response
* Additional statement: Burwood Community Labor

Canada Bay (click to expand)

Response received from Charles Jago of The Greens.
No response received to date from Labor, Liberal, or Libertarian.
* Charles Jago (The Greens) Survey response

Strathfield (Click to expand)

Responses received from Rory Nosworthy and Steven Du (both Labor).
No responses received to date from the Liberals, Strathfield Independents or other independent candidates. Every effort has been made to reach out to candidates where email addresses have been made available.
* Rory Nosworthy survey response
* Steven Du survey response
Note: Steven Du is a member of the committee of Climate Action Burwood-Canada Bay. He volunteered to complete this survey as a member of the Strathfield Labor ticket, and has had no participation in the production of this survey. His answers expressed in the survey are his alone. Climate Action Burwood-Canada Bay does not field candidates in elections, and does not endorse candidates in any situation.

For information on how and where to vote in the Local Government Elections, please visit the Elections NSW website.

Additional Resources:

Nature Conservation Council has published a platform Clean, Green and Local: Priorities for nature and climate in the 2024 local government elections and have requested endorsement by candidates, organisations and supporters.

While not specifically related to the NSW Local Government elections, the 2024 Australian Local Government Climate Review compiled by Ironbark Sustainability was launched at the Better Futures Forum in Canberra on September 9. A summary and downloadable copy of the complete document can be reached here.

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