Donate for Climate Action!

Climate Action Burwood-Canada Bay is a not-for-profit organisation run entirely by volunteers.

While we receive grants from time to time from government and non-government bodies for specific projects and events, grant applications are competitive in a tight economic environment for everyone. They don’t cover our day-to-day operating needs.

Ongoing costs such as printing, marketing, technology, administration, and the running of stalls and other smaller community events are funded by our generous donors. If you are one of those people already, we thank you.

But we need more to ensure that we can pay all our bills on time and do more to engage effectively with the community in tackling the climate crisis.

Regular monthly donations are the lifeblood of our organisation. If you can give, either monthly or on a one-off basis, please do so through the form below.
(Please note that donations to Climate Action Burwood-Canada Bay are not tax deductible.)
