Thank you for coming to the Smart Energy Expo!

A big thank you to everyone who came to the Smart Energy Expo at MLC School Burwood.

Approximately five hundred people passed through the site across the five hours of the event. Visitors saw and test drove electric cars and e-bikes, witnessed demonstrations of induction cooking (and tasted the products), listened to the expert panels and spoke with the many exhibitors both commercial and non-commercial.

We hope everyone came away better informed about all the good that renewable energy can do to their lives and to our planet.

A special thank you to our MC Dan Ilic who filled in at short notice for Julia Zemiro, who was unwell.

Event organisers Climate Action Burwood-Canada Bay thanks all our Event Partners:
Burwood Council
MLC School
Smart Energy Council
Australian Electric Vehicles Association

as well as all our exhibitorspanellistsconsultants and official guests, for helping make the day what we hope was a success for everyone.

Finally, here’s what Federal MP for Reid, Sally Sitou, had to say about the Smart Energy Expo in the Federal Parliament the next day:

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